Giving the joy of tech
Who we're trying to help
About Nitrozac and Snaggy

If you have a computer you'd like to donate, see if there is a local organization that will except it. In the USA, you can try looking on this page for a local donation site or recycler. In Canada, there's the Computers for Schools Program, which is the one we are donating used equipment to.

We also provide a forum where tech-donors and tech-needers can post up their information, and hopefully some matches can be made.

So, if you have some tech you'd like to donate, check out the organizations listed above, or email us.

What kind of equipment are schools looking for?

  • Computers, new or used, in working condition. Macintosh or Intel is great, including desktop computers and laptops, colour monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, modems, scanners, digital cameras, CD-ROM drives and servers. To best serve the requirements of recipient schools, most schools ask that computers be of the Pentium-class level or better, and that Macintosh computers be of the Power PC level or better.
  • There are a few technical consideration to keep in mind when donating surplus computers. For example, it is important not to strip the equipment of vital operating components.
  • monitors, keyboards, printers, modems, hubs, cables, and accessories in working condition.
  • software programs you are no longer using. Graphics and multimedia programs, word processing, ...anything that you think a student might be able to learn on or create with.
What does the donator get?
Most of all, you'll get the glory and good feelings from helping out kids who really need some technology. If you'd like, we can help you get some great feel-good press... promo on our popular websites and in our newsletter.

And even better... if you donate a computer, let us know the details and we'll give you a piece of geek fame. Send us your picture and we will make you a guest star in one of our cartoons. Wow, imagine doing such a great thing and being a geek celebrity! :-)

So, if you are able to help us, or have any advice, ideas, or suggestions, or have any questions at all, please email us.

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